2018 Christmas Reflection

2018 Christmas Reflection

Merry Christmas! The last reflection of the season invites us to ask ourselves, what Good News does our Lord Jesus Christ want us bring to our society? The glad tidings of Christmas is that we can make a difference because our God who is King dwells among us. ¡Feliz Navidad! La última reflexión de la temporada nos invita a preguntarnos, ¿qué buenas noticias quiere nuestro Señor Jesucristo que llevemos a nuestra sociedad? La buena noticia…

2018 Fourth Sunday of Advent Reflection

2018 Fourth Sunday of Advent Reflection

This fourth Sunday of Advent we are invited to humilty and be accepting of the son of God as both Mary and Elizabeth were. Este cuarto domingo de Adviento estamos invitados a la humildad y a aceptar al hijo de Dios como lo fueron María e Isabel. Reflection on the readings for Sunday, December 23, 2018. English subtitles available. Music: Joy To The World by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…) Artist: http://audionautix.com/

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

  O Come, O Come, Emmanuel In addition to preparing us for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus Christ, Advent is the season during which we remember that Christ is about to return. As Latino Christians our trajectory of faith has spanned about five centuries; like all Christians we await the second coming of the Messiah, Jesus. Our waiting is shared by two millennia of Christians who have sought to see him arrive on…

2018 Third Sunday of Advent Reflection

2018 Third Sunday of Advent Reflection

On this third Sunday of Advent, John the Baptist tells us to wait. “One mightier than I is coming, John told them. I’m not worthy to untie his shoes, John told them. But first, even though you are afraid, you have to wait. And so, in Advent, we make a practice of heeding John’s advice. In the face of all our anxieties, some well justified; some… less so, we come together to wait; We wait for…

The Origin of the Mexican Piñata

The Origin of the Mexican Piñata

La Piñata Hoy día la piñata nos hace pensar en una fiesta de cumpleaños. Muchos no saben que la piñata es un símbolo del Adviento. La tradición mexicana de las posadas es acompañada con una piñata. Aunque hay piñatas en forma de animales, caricaturas y otras imágenes, la piñata de la posada originalmente es una estrella con siete picos. El origen de la piñata mexicana es doble. La piñata llega con los misioneros españoles quienes…

2018 Feast of San Juan Diego Reflection

2018 Feast of San Juan Diego Reflection

The second Sunday of Advent coincides with the celebration of the Feast of San Juan Diego. This reflection by Rev. Benjamin Romero-Arrieta reminds us to “remember that the humble image and the message that Juan Dieguito revealed to Christian people are signs of hope, acceptance and love for a brother and for a sister in whose differences help me get closer not only to him or her, but to the revelation of God in my…

2018 Second Sunday of Advent Reflection

2018 Second Sunday of Advent Reflection

Watch this reflection on the Gospel of Luke from the second Sunday of Advent by Fr. Edward Owens. “As we continue through the Advent season, let us include the poor and the needy in our remembrance and in our giving and in doing so we will prepare the way of the Lord.” Vea esta reflexión del Evangelio de San Lucas del segundo domingo de Adviento por el P. Edward Owens. “A medida que avancemos en…

The Tradition of Las Posadas

The Tradition of Las Posadas

Las Posadas De las muchas tradiciones latinoamericanas para celebrar el Adviento y la Navidad, las posadas parecen ser las mejor conocidas en los Estados Unidos. Tienen su origen en la última mitad del siglo XVIII cuando las estrepitosas Misas de Aguinaldo dejaron de ser celebradas en México. Para reemplazar esas Misas los laicos decidieron celebrar en sus casas tomando lo que habían visto dramatizado en los templos, el recorrido de los inmigrantes galileos, José y…

2018 First Sunday of Advent Reflection

2018 First Sunday of Advent Reflection

Watch this reflection on the Gospel of Luke from the first Sunday of Advent by Sr. Elizabeth Guerrero. “I’d like to use this season of Advent to take advantage of the precious time and the reminder of how close, how near Salvation is. Let us be faithful. Let not our hearts grow drowsy. Do not despair, but look up. Christ is coming!” Vea esta reflexión del Evangelio de San Lucas del primer domingo de Adviento por…